3ds max avec ZERARI KHALED
8 000
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10/07/2017 19:56:03
In this course, ZERARI KHALED covers all the features you'll need to start creating advanced 3D models and animation with 3ds Max 2015. Learn the most suitable techniques for modeling different types of objects, from splines and NURBS to polygonal and subdivision surface modeling. Then learn how to design 3D motion graphics, set up cameras, animate with keyframes, and assign constraints. Aaron also provides an overview of lighting scenes within a simple studio setup, and construction of materials with the Slate Material Editor. Finally, learn about your hardware and software rendering options, and make your projects more realistic with motion blur, indirect illumination, and depth of field.
Topics include:
Navigating the interface and viewports
Understanding the Modifier Stack
Modeling with polygons and subdivision surfaces
Freeform sculpting
Modeling with splines and NURBS
Linking objects in hierarchies
Modeling for motion graphics
Framing shots with cameras
Creating and editing keyframes
Controlling lights and shadows
Building materials
Texturing with bitmaps and procedurals
Painting objects with Viewport Canvas
Rendering a sequence
Adding special effects with mental ray
Formation 100% pratique destinée aux écoles de formation, aux bureaux d’études, et aus étudiants .
Ci-joint quelques exemples afin de vous faire une idée sur le travail qu'on vous propose.
Pour toute info : / ZERARI KHALED
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