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22/12/2020 23:15:41
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voici le contenu de Pack 1 : Newest Diagbox V9.68 V8.55 V7.83 Full Update For Lexia3 PP2000 lexia-3 Diagbox 9.68 For Citroen/Peogeot Car Diagnostic Tool Till 2020 Description Part Of Diagbox V9.68: -----Top 7 reasons to get my DIAGBOX V9.68: 1.V9.68 release on 04/2020, Support all compatible cars Untill 2020 2.V9.68 work for Citroen/Peogeot/DS Automobiles/Opel Multi-Brands 3.V9.68 pre-activated version, install directly, no need to wait seller to activate for you,save time and money . But must run V9.68 on VM (Virtual Machine),VM installation is easy and fast. We provide VM installation video and V9.68 installation video ! 4.V9.68 Full function version: Diagnose, Resets, Adaptations,Telecoding of Modules.... Excellent Live test by experts of automotive repair over the world , they confirm the good feature of the release . 5.V9.68 Support win7 / win8 / win10 ( 32bit/64bit both ok ) 6.V9.68 FULL in 24 languages BUT on the Virtual Machine loaded in English. If you would like to change the language from English to any of rest 23 Diagbox 9.68 supported languages, simply follow instructions in Diagbox change language PDF. 7.V9.68 can work with any version of lexia3 / lexia XS -----V9.68 Pay Attention: 1.Firstly Make sure your PC can run on VM ( Virtual Machine) , then start V9.68 on VW , we will send you video guide of V9.68 on VM , must follow video step and step ! 2.It can be used on as many machines as you like so its not limited to one pc. 3.We only send link to download Diagbox V9.68 , NO CD NO USB STICK ! 4.If you have no lexia 3 pp2000 , Click LEXIA3 PP2000 to buy our lexia3 pp200. 5.The fully working diagnostic and programming software on Virtual Machine requires latest AMD or Intel Celeron/Pentium CPUs, 25/30 GB free HDD space and over 4 GB RAM. DiagBox 9.68 on Virtual Machine run perfectly in: * 64Bit Microsoft Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate editions, Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 and RAM memory over 8GB * IF loaded on 32Bit Microsoft Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate editions, Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 the latest version of DiagBox 9 on Virtual Machine working slowly Description Part Of Diagbox V8.55: -----Top reasons to get my DIAGBOX V8.55: 1. V8.55 is updated version in 2018, work for peogeot/citroen cars untill 2017. 2. V8.55 update the entire DEFAULT PROGRAM DIAGNOSIS LEXIA. 3. V8.55 add more car models for citroen/peogeot than V7.83. 4. V8.55 add more functions than V7.83. 5. V8.55 is compatible win7 ( 32bit/64bit ) professional or ultimate. 6. Detailed and clear V8.55 installation video provided. -----V8.55 Pay Attention: 1. Only send link to download software and video instruction. if you accept this, then order it. thanks for your understanding ! 2. V8.55 installation step is different from V7.83, pls must follow the video instruction i send you . 3.Archive MUST be extracted by WinRAR 5.61 or OVER 3. You must have device LEXIA-3 PP2000, then can work with diagbox v8.55. If you have no lexia 3 , you can order at below link : 4. Any question, pls feel free to contact -----V8.55 Installation Tips: - Must be installed 7.02 + updates till 7.57/7.58 - then to install 8.01 and to activate it. - loading updates till 8.55 (Complete installation manual step by step + video how to install 7.57 + to load 8.01 on the 7.57 + updates from 8.01 to 8.55 JUST FOLLOW steps in VIDEO and installation manual. Installation manual in 5 languages - ENG, FR, DE, ES and IT ) Description Part Of Diagbox V7.83: 1. Only send link to download V7.83 software and video instruction. 2. V7.83 work for peogeot/citroen cars untill 2016 3. V7.83 work on WIN7 32BIT professional / Ultimate THIS PACKAGE MAY TAKE YOUR ATTENTION with keygen and dpfs EGR remover 3.0 Lambda remover full version software + unlock keygen Top 7 Reasons to Buy Software DPF / EGR / LOMBDA 5 in 1: 1. To launch the ecu, you can use existing binary drivers: FGTECH Galletto, KESS V2, KTAG Master, MPPS, CMD, Byteshoter Master and all binary readers / writers, 100% files working with these 3 programs.2. Professional 100% program supported for DPF-EGR pcs.3. Bosch, Siemens, Denso, Visteon, Delphi, Marelli, Transtron ECU supported!4.Supported by WinXP to win 7 32bit5.Multi-language support: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Slovak-Czech, Romanian, Portogues, Polish, Dutch The software includes: DPF / EGR V2017.5 Lambda V2017.3 One license to 3 software Software that works in 3 steps: 1- choose your car model2-Upload the file to fix• 3-save the last hard file. All operations are done automatically by the software. Users only need to read the files to the ECU with well-known equipment. Languages SUPORTED: Multilanguage.- No more reduces engine performance.- No more rough idling or stalling.- No more increased fuel consumption.- No more pinging, tapping, or knocking.- No more failing smog test.- No more check engine light.Operating Systems:Windows - XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10..................................................................................................................................................................... Hot Sell Immo Software Otochecker 2.0 OTO Checker Cleaner Advanced Immo Repair System for Immobilizer support xp win 7 8 10 system language: English, Turkish support system: xp and windows 7, 8, 10 support list: see the list as below Notice: 1. some anti-virus program will think the keygen is a virus, it is not virus, it is very safe file, if you kill it, you will not active the program again. it is not the program's problem, will not accept any refund. So when you download and install, please turn off anti-virus program. 2. we can send you link to download, after we send the link, we will not accept any reason to refund, before you pay please think about carefully. and if you choose download link, we will not send the cd again. What does Otocheck Immo Tool can do? Otocheck is an advanced Immobilizer repair tool used to repair immobilizer problems in vehicles with faulty ECU's or immo boxes or in situation where all keys have been lost. It can also be used for track cars where a donor engine has been used or an ECU swap out. This is an advance tool with a comprehensive coverage a must for all lock smiths and ECU repair stations worldwide. How to use Otochecker Immo Cleaner? In Order to repair an immobilizer problem we first need to read the chip that stores the immobilizer data. This is normally in the form of an 8 pin Eprom found in the ECU or immobilizer box located behind the dash.If you are unsure of the location or chip type you can select the make/model before starting in order to identify the chip/location in question. Once identified you will need to read the chip with your own programmer. For Eproms we recommend SeeProg by Elnec and for a wider chip coverage UPA USB by elrasoft which will cover many MCU processors. After reading the chip save a copy to your machine (also make a backup) to load into the software. What does Otocheck Immo Tool support? This is only software, without hardware . We will send thedownload linkto you , you need download by yourself.Before your download andduringinstallation process,please turn off all the anti-virus software on your computer.if you do not know how to download, please fell free to contact us! After You received the link, please confirm the receiption at once, This is a professional tool if you don't know how to use it, please be cautious to buy.the software once sold, does not support returns Newest V202 For Renault CAN CLIP+PIN Extractor V2+Reprog V191+Dialogys V4.72 For Renault Diagnostic Software On Win7 32Bit Attention : 1.After you order, We will only send software download link, do not send CD ! 2.You must have device " can clip ", then can work with these softwares. matter you order V200 or V202 , I will send you 3 SW free gifts : Dialogys V4.72 & Pin Extractor V2 & Reprog V191 Regarding V202 / V200 for CAN CLIP: 1.Newest V202 / V200 software with activation license untill 2029 !!! 2.We can provide V200 installation video in english and french edition !!! 3.Supporte Windows 7 32 bit - Ultimate and Pro editions ONLY !!! 4.Support Austria,Belgium, English, German, Denish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian,Norwegian,Dutch,Portuguese,Romania,Swedish,Switherland,italian,russian,polish,czech,Hungaria,Turkish.... Regarding V200 for CAN CLIP: 1.Supporte Windows 7 32 bit - Ultimate and Pro editions ONLY !!! 2.Support Austria,Belgium, English, German, Denish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian,Norwegian,Dutch,Portuguese,Romania,Swedish,Switherland,italian,russian,polish,czech,Hungaria,Turkish.... 2.Installation manual step by step in English, French, German and Spanish. Regarding Reprog V191: 1.Dealer's electronic database firmware 2. Include User-Guide in PDF Regarding PIN EXTRACTOR V2: calculate pin (apv) for Renault/Dacia cars , clip reprog code for offline reprogramming , clip key for programming car key/card Regarding Dialogys V4.72 : This professional quality software package is ideal for every for Renault owner and professional mechanic alike. Dialogys includes everything from repair manuals and parts catalogs for all models . Program Dialogys contains the full information on details of automobiles and minibuses for RENAULT, and also the information on their repair and service. THE BIGGEST FILE ARCHIVE YOU HAVE SEEN EVER !! 1-) 409.225 WinOLS Damos Files 846 GB ARCHIVE 2-) 322.753 Chip Tuning Files 225 GB ARCHIVE 3-) ECM Titanium 26100 Driver + Crack 4-) WinOLS, WinOLS File Unlock 5-) All Ecu Programs "Close To 200 PROGRAMS" 6-) Dpf , Egr , Adblue , Lambda Remover 7-) Ecu Safe 2.0 Full Version 8-) DTC Remover Full Version 9-) Ksuite V2.53 "KessV2-Ktag" 10-) Ecu Dumps Collection 11-) Immo Decoding - Killers Chip Tuning Remaps Files 2018 - 2020 These are professionally Tuned Files from And Software various Tuning Companies · Be ahead of the game with Custom Tuned Files · Increase the Power and Torque of Vehicles. · Start making money with these Tuning Files · Easily make $150+ per car for custom Tuning/Remapping. · Will repay your investment 5X and more with the first car. Petrol N/A engine 10 - 20% BHP Petrol turbo engine 20 - 30% BHP Diesel turbo engine 30 - 50% BHP You would require your own master OBD/BDM interface device For example: Galletto, Kess v2, MPPS, Magpro2, Dimsport, Flex, CMD etc. After buying we will send a link for download by ALİEXPRESS message within 24 hours. + + + Please send us your e-mail address with a private message after ordering. ! ! ! NO CD/DVD... NO POSTAGE... NO WAITING... NO HASSLE... !!!QUICK AND EASY DIRECT DOWNLOAD!!! For any questions feel free to contact by message !!! TO THE BUYER'S ATTENTION: AFTER COMPLETING THE ORDER, PLEASE CHECK THE ALIEXPESS CONTACT SECTION OR Whatsapp : +33651834457 Vechiles Brands List Display : PROGRAM LIST A4 BOSCH Crypto ABS_ESP_CALCULATOR AES EGR REMOVER 2.2 AE-TOOL_V1.3 Air4 (1) AirBag Service Tool airbag tool + getid. exe+ keygen.exe Airbag Universal Repair AirBag-Service-Tool-v3.9 Audi & VW Calculator 1.0 Audi MM 1.1 Audi TT Beetle login reader II Audi VDO Crypto Audi-Aisin-navigation-RNS-E-unlock-CD B-Chip BMW Key Progrommer BMW PRG FILES SCANNER4 BMW_Isn_LA_unp BMWAi Coder 4.4 BMW-FSC-NBT BMW-Immo-ID-Editor-2.42 Bosch Airbag reset tool Bosch ecu NUMBER Calc Grund_Philips Calculator For Opel 1.0 Car radio calculators (over 170pcs) carprog_v485 Carsoftware 5.2 CarTool3.6 Chrysler KM-CHANGER Ver1.0 Citroen Saxo KM Calibration 1.0 CKS Corector CLIO 2002 CodeKey Codigo Radio Compare Files v1.20 Crash Data Resetter crash tool CrossTunerStudio_v030_Beta ctroen nemC clear Dash Board VW Tool 1.0.1 Dash by Geble DASH CALCULATOR V2 DASH Calibration 2.0.17 Dashboard Calculator 1.0 Dashboard Mileage Corrector 1.10 DASHBOARD SERVICE TOOL Dashboard-ServiceTool-v1.8 DASHBOOK 6.4 Dash-EcuTeacher Dashmater PRO Eeprommer 2.2 Data explorer manager tools DeviceScripts DPF EGR LAMBDA REMOVER 2017 drccalc DTC REMOVE DTC Remover v1.02 DTC Remover_v1.720_Demo DTC-Remover-v1.0 E2P_HexEditor_v1.1.0.0-Demo ECM Titanium 1.61 English ECM Titanium 1.61 Portable ITA ECU tool v00.05 ECU Vonix 3.2 ECU VONIX AIRBAG Ecu_programer v 1.8.2 ECUCALC V2 Ecusafe 2.0 EDC15 EEPROM TOOL 1.3 EDC16C34 EDC17 Immo OFF Service Tool v1.7 EDC17 IMMO SERVICE TOOL EDC17IMMORemover_Demo EFfI 173modul egr1.5.5 E-Klasse Facelift ESYSPlus ETSmartUSB EURO2 Total Decoding Tools FabiaC86 Fiat Body Computer FIAT IMMO OFF REPAIR Fiat KM by Gopel Fiat KM Calibration 1.0 FIAT Palio Calc FiatECUFlasher_v084 Ford all in one Ford Connect Ford ECU Licensed Ford Fiesta SIM210 v1.1 Ford Focus by Gopel Ford KM by Gopel Ford KM Calculator 1.0 Ford KmCalc Ford radio code Ford v 9.7.2 FSC Enabling Codes FSC Generator fstool immo 3 Immo Code Calculator v147 Immo Login Calculator Immo Nissan IMMO OFF EDC 17 Immo SCP Immo Service Tool 1.0 IMMO SERVICE TOOL 1.2 IMMO TOOL 1.5 BY T-E IMMO TOOL 26.12.2007 IMMO Universal 3.2 KeyGen32 Immo Universal Decoding 3.2 IUD IMMO UNIVERSAL DECODING 3.2 ImmoKiller v1.10 ImmoTool V1.5 KIA HYUNDAI VIN TO PIN _. 2007_ KMPROG Komatsu Time 1.2 Magneti Marelli Vision 5 Mapping Software ManEdit MapAnalyzer_v078_Beta MASK_MOTOROLLA_pass_123 MB IRPROG key only MB Vito MARELLI KM Calibration ME 17.9.7 VAZ Remover ME7 EDC15 EEPROM Reader 1.00 Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error 1.3 MEUCCI 3.1 MEUCCI ENGINE ECU DECODING Mini Calc Modiag_pro_2.8.500 MTX FAP DPF MTXChk_v1.0.0.6_Demo NavCoder 2.9.183 Nissan 2003 Nissan_NERS_03.01.00 NUMEROS__PIN_Peugeot NYO 4.0 2016 NYO4 2015 Full Opel Dash Board Tool 0.8 OPEL KM Calibration with NEC78082x by GOPEL Opel Meriva 1,3 75cv Opel Pin Rerpair Opel VIN decoder OpelKm v0.8 OTOCHECK 2 OtoCheck Immo Tool v2.0 PATS Perfekt Toolbox 0.1a BMW e6Xe7Xe8Xe9X Cluster Tool Peugeot code PRO REMOV DPF EGR PROFESIONAL EGR Professional EGR+Immo+HotStart Remover v1.5.5 PSA BSI CALCULATOR PSA ECU PIN PSA ENGINE ECU ENCODE PSA PSADumpToPin Radio Decoders Pro Real Sirius 32 Immo Cleaner RENAULT IMMO calculator Renault pin extractor 2 Renault pin extractor full Renault PIN-code on key number Renault Vin to Pin TachoCalc Tachosoft 23.1 TM100 1.23 Toyota 4 DKeyTool 1.2 Ultraprog 17.3.8 LA ULTRAPROG 17 VAG EDC16 immo bypass VAG Eepromer 1.18p VAG PSA DTC REMOVER + FREE REMOVERS Visteon 2.3 ECUSAFE VOLTA Volvo ECU 2.3 Volvo Synchro 1.4 and other package offert package 2: 24 softwares in 1000gb hdd software list: 1.ALLDATA10.53 576G 2.Data 3.38 ENG 1.32G 3. Ess-SI 2011 13.2G 4.D-TLite4402-0131-WIN7 10.7M 5.E-CM_6.3 24.5M 6.E-LSA4.0 39.9G 7.E-sSI_2011_2 12.2G 8.e-si4 7.65G 9.Ettt-TK7.3 51.5G 10.ImmoKiller_v1.10_1 42.2G 11.Mi.crocat LR 12.2014 2.65G 12.M.i..ll 2015 166G 13.N--iissan Pin Code 115M 14.WDS P00rsche 2015 763M 15.PTT1.26 2.7G 17.tis2000 26M 18.T.0y0ta Techstream 8.00.034 1.07G 19.Vi.vid workshop 10.2 in a virtual xp system 15.2G 20.2015 A-TSG Automatic Transmission Service Group 5.34G 21.H-eavy_duty_inst 221M 22.S-Dmedia_2013_11 7.53G 23.V-94 1.93G 24.W-DS 1.25G I will give you several soft that are not mentioned on the advertisement like Delphi 2016 and woow, odis, vagcom with their activators of course2019 BEST SOFTWARE KIT IMMO OFF TUNING EGR DPF OFF AIRBAG RADIO11 orders , my hayness pro ,autodota 3.40 and 3.45 , tolerance data you can contact me any time on ebay or whatsapp: +33651834457 by message I can write to you in French, English, Arabic, Algerian and Moroccan Arabic and also Tunisian to facilitate your communication with and answer your questionsavailable 7/7 and 24/24
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